
Jasons Pack

Jason’s Pack: The healing power of a pack of balanced dogs

Here you will find profiles of the past and present members of Jason’s Pack. Jasons Dog Psychology Center is and has been home to some amazing pack members. Each member of the pack learns to help other dogs and people in ways no human could dream of. Welcome to Jasons Pack!


JADA: The Pit Bull

Jada came to stay with Jason for rehabilitation from extreme food aggression. After being stolen from her owners as a mere puppy, she returned home 4 years later after being used as a puppy factory and being isolated from other dogs.

Upon her return home, her food aggression caused concern with the owners since it put their other dogs safety at risk as well as their own.  In order to save her from being euthanized,  she came to Camp Dog Trouble for intensive rehab and re-socialization. She passed with flying colors and was offered a permanent home in Jasons Pack. After Rehab her true calm mothering nature was able to shine.

In her years in Jasons pack she has traveled all over the southeast paying it forward as an ambassador for her breed. The calm submissive energy that she shared with clients and their dogs has helped countless of  cases in more ways than imaginable. She has helped people get over their fears of big dogs as well as teach many dogs how to be calm and submissive for their owners by here mere prescence.

Jada, beloved companion and rehab assistant passed away during the summer of 2009 due to chronic health issues at the age of 9. Her spirit lives on and her videos on YouTube still continue to inspire others that there is hope for dogs that people want to write off as “bad dogs”. Jason is proud to have called her his pack member and provided her with peace and balance for the remainder of her life on this planet.


BLUE: Mix Breed

Here is the spaz who steals the show. One glance at these handsome blue eyes and his name becomes obvious.

Blue has been with Jason since he was a puppy. Part husky/chow on his moms side… dad is unknown. His mom was famous for her steely blue eyes, when she had her puppies there were two with those amazing blue eyes. Blue came home with Jason and ended up being a rather skittish puppy who had to overcome a fear of most large vehicles.

Now at almost 6 years old he is much more brave, he is just the spaz. He is the excited submissive guy who has to work to keep his excitement under control. Much like Jada, Blue has met with gobs of clients and his excitement has it’s place with helping certain dogs AND people.

Instrumental in helping Jason teach the next generation of Pit Bull rehab assistant, Cayce,  Blue continues to be an cherished member of Jason’s Pack.


Cayce in Charleston, SC at the Battery Boardwalk

Cayce: Pit Bull

Cayce came to Jason’s pack at barely 3 months old in February 2010. Hand selected after months of searching due to his extremely calm demeanor and submissive nature. By the time he was just 4 months old he was helping at his first appointment with a client. Since then, Cayce has traveled all over the southeast helping Jason with cases of all kinds.

Cayce is now about 2.5 years old and has proven himself to be a reliable rehabilitation dog as he matures. He has gained many fans amongst Jason’s clients as he is seen in many of Jason’s more recent youtube  videos. If you haven’t seen him in action then click the link on the left that says “DogTrouble TV.”

Cayce is known and loved for his happy go lucky attitude when off of work. Yet when he is working you can see he loves his job as a dog rehabilitation expert. Always willing to share his calm stable energy to help other dogs become more balanced. As Jason’s right hand dog, Cayce works hard and plays hard.

Roxy: German Pinscher


At almost 11 years old, Roxy was adopted by Jason and given a home with the pack. Her owners were having continued behavior difficulties out of her as she can be rather high strung. Since she has advanced pack needs, she was given a chance to be a permanent member of Jason’s pack.

Since then, her life has been calm and at ease living the pack life. Her best pal is Cayce who happens to be rather fond of her himself. Roxy can be seen featured in several of our Camp Dog Trouble Videos on YouTube prior to becoming a permanent resident.



Ramzi: Cotton De Tulear

After coming to stay at Camp Dog Trouble for the allotted time, Ramzi was doing considerably better… but he knew one thing… his owners were retirees and just were not quite fast enough to catch and correct Ramzi in time. On top of that they were relocating and shuffling their entire life around… this can upset a unbalanced dog even after a great recovery.

Ramzi is now a lifetime member of Jason’s pack where he can associate with other pack members and have his time managed for his best balance. He is what is consider to be a “managed case.” This means that for his own safety he must be given proper exercise and discipline and his routines are highly structured. It is unlikely that he would be alive today were he not a member of Jason’s pack.




Princess: Rottweiler

Jason first met Princess when dating his wife to be. She said “I hope you are not scared of big dogs”…

Of course Princess instantly showed respect for Jason and welcomed him into the home. She was barely more than one year old at the time.

Six years later Princess is still a loyal and proud member of the DogTrouble Pack. Her calm submissive energy was key in helping Jada recover. In fact she and Jada worked together on several occasions for the goal of helping humans overcome their fears of large power breed dogs. She still lends her calm submissive energy to those in need, particularly the humans who we have to teach about properly handling their large breed dogs who have become unstable.

Most of her role is currently around the home pack. Clients who come for classes during their dogs stay at Camp Dog Trouble often build their confidence by handling and working with this gentle giant.

Don’t let her calm submission fool you for one second… Her other home pack duty is that of property protection.  When she is not lounging with the pack she can be found watching over Jason’s family and property. Always faithful and ready to serve, in what ever capacity asked of her.

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