
In-Home Consultation

I Come To Your Home To Help Restore Balance Between You And Your Dog

Dog bahvior specialist Jason

“I help dogs with their people problems” ~Jason

Just so we are clear… I am not a dog trainer. I will not bring a bag of treats and a clicker to try and bribe your dog to behave. I will not teach your dog to sit, stay, down and all that. There are plenty of places to teach your dog that stuff. Folks call me when they need help with more serious behavior problems.

I am a Greenville dog behaviorist who works with dogs using natural methods based on trust and respect, much like the methods practiced by Cesar Millan. I communicate with dogs on a primal level to quickly get to the bottom of many behavioral issues. Many people call it “Dog Whispering”, I just call it NATURE.

While I am there working with you and your dog, I will help you communicate with your dog in the same primal way so that you can both understand one another. Believe it or not massive changes can be seen in one single consultation.

I help people rehabilitate their dogs behavior problems all over the southeast. Clients in SC, NC, GA, KY and TN have all come to lead their pack and find the peace and satisfaction that a calm obedient dog can bring.

This in-home consultation is designed to help you learn to rehabilitate your own dog at home, with professional help and support of course. In-home consultation is my longest running and most popular service.


My In-Home Service Includes:

  • Primary In-home problem solving consultation that can generally last 2 hours or more. I will come out and work directly with you and your dog to evaluate the problem and find a solution. Sometimes it takes longer… We will work with mother natures pace. I will then create a custom rehabilitation program for you to follow. Most of the time, a 2 hour long consultation is all it takes to get results.

  • Second In-home follow up visit If Needed within 30 days

  • 30 days follow up phone support… Just in case you need re-assurance you will be able to get the help you need.

  • Multiple dog households pay NO EXTRA

  • Training of your whole household to maintain the positive changes. It takes consistency and hard work from the whole family.

  • I even teach you how to understand the basics of dog psychology so that you can keep your best friend loyal, balanced and happy for years to come!


I can help you with these problems and more:

Running away
Stealing things
Scratching doors
Chasing kids, cars & dogs
Crotch sniffing
Not behaving in automobiles
Excessive barking
Fearfulness & Shyness
Marking territory inappropriately
Not Listening
Jumping up on people, furniture and beds
Digging & Chewing
Pulling on the leash
Bolting out doors
Dog/Human Aggression

So if you love your dog then take action right now!

Keep in mind that my service is intended to help folks who have dog behavior problems that NO one else has been able to help with. If this sounds like you, and you are SERIOUS about helping your dog live a happy balanced life…

*Rates apply to consultations within 50 miles of 29611. Slight travel charges apply outside that area based on distance. I also gladly help out of state clients from anywhere in the US who are willing to pay my standard consultation fee plus travel, lodging and food expenses. Call for details.

I am located conveniently in Greenville, SC. I help folks with dog behavior issues in all surrounding areas including but not limited to: Spartanburg, Anderson, Easley, Clemson, Asheville, Hendersonville, Tryon, Atlanta, Charlotte and many other areas in South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina

Nationwide service available!

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