
Results for tag "dog-bite"

4 Articles

Upstate woman dies after needless Pit Bull attack 2013

For nearly a decade I have been helping people all over the southeast with serious dog behavior problems. I can tell you exactly what went wrong with the Pit Bull in Greenwood, SC… I will also have to say SHAME ON EVERY MEDIA OUTLET IN THE UPSTATE! They do do not once bother contacting Greenville’s very own dog behavior expert in an attempt to post an accurate news story.

While the NEWS story reports that there had never been an incident with this dog, the unidentified neighbor IN THE STORY contradicts this. The unidentified neighbor states that this Pit Bull HAD growled at his family and HAD attacked his dog!

Does that sound like “out of the blue” to you? “Suddenly” became aggressive? In an attempt to help educate dog owners and the MEDIA. No dog has ever “suddenly” turned on it’s human. Dogs WILL however begin testing authority… if you do not understand how to overcome these tests then the dogs behavior will continue out of control.

By understanding the warning signs like: growling at inappropriate times, attacking neighbors dogs, being territorial and exhibiting dominant behavior… you can STOP these behavior before they LEAD UP to a brutal attack on a family member. One story even boasts how the dog slept in bed with the kids.. folks that is a territorial problem waiting to happen! Dogs should sleep on the floor not in bed with humans… for many reasons.

Just so readers understand… There is no such thing as a bad dog… only a bad OWNER. Don’t be a bad owner. Just like when Edwin McCains child was attacked by a dog here in Greenville, there were warning signs.

I am always available to the media as an expert on preventing this type of dog violence and have extensive client support as to the effectiveness of my Canine Psychology program, yet media rarely has an interest in this side of work. Funny how they always want to interview me, and do huge 3 hour specials on my Greenville Ghost Tour. So if there are any responsible reporters left, pay attention… you could HELP people NOT die by asking me for insights about the increasing dog behavior problems in the USA. It is getting worse folks.

Dogs need THREE things in order to remain balanced….

  1. Physical exercise (running in the yard won’t cut it!)
  2. Discipline (rules and boundaries NOT punishment)
  3. Affection (goes at the bottom of the list)

Provide those and this type of senseless violence will NOT happen.

I am going to continue taking the news outlets to task for being RACISTS. You heard me! By focusing only on sensationalized stories about Pit Bulls, Rottweilers or similar large breed dogs, the media shows it is incapable of benefiting the community it claims to serve.

I am the one man who has spent the last 10 years of his life actually helping rehabilitate the most serious dog behavior problems in the Carolinas, Virginia, Alabama and all points in between. Ask ME what dogs are hurting more people and I will assure it is NOT Pit Bulls and other “Power Breeds.” In my real world experience you are far more likely to be injured by an out of balance small breed dog or typical family dog! The dogs I am seeing regularly are the chihuahuas, labs, pointers, retrievers and the like! Only rarely is the caller on my phone calling because of a Pit Bull problem…

In fact, did you know more Pit Bulls die at dog fighting rings for NOT fighting??? Read that again folks! When you read the statistics of dog bite and maulings, those reports are gathered by searching through news articles. The funny thing is the news rarely reports any attacks other than large breed dogs! They sensationalize! Call the news and tell them your cute fluffy Coton De Tulear ripped a childs cheek off… they won’t care! So the small dog attacks on people go largely unreported and undocumented… Further skewing the factual data.

It is sad that reporters like Casey Vaughn and others who report these cases don’t bother to tell folks that there IS help if you think your dog is showing these behaviors. They want you to see the brutal “truth” as they present it…

Sadly these reporters who flock to hear my ghost stories every year ALL KNOW that I rehabilitate ALL forms of dogs behavior problems and work with ALL breeds. I comment on the lunacy to nearly every reporter. Yet their only interest is in the sensational…

Maybe one responsible reporter will see this blog post and be hit with how useless it is to sensationalize this stuff… instead we should be showing people that there IS help for these kinds of dog behavior problems BEFORE someone else DIES. Every local news outlet covered the violence… not ONE bothered to show people how to get help for THEIR dogs! Dog trainers don’t know the answer either!

My heart goes out to the family who experienced this loss. My heartfelt plea is that you call me for a consultation before you bring another power breed into your home. I can help you prevent this from happening again.

Here is the original Fox News coverage of the Greenwood dog attack

FOX Carolina 21

Aggressive Greenville, SC Chihuahuas get help from Dog Whisperer Jason Miller

I got a call recently from some folks located here in Greenville, SC about a problem they were having with their aggressive Chihuahuas. The man of the house explained that he had been bitten by the older chihuahua named Luigi, and he was concerned that the younger one was learning these behaviors.

When I arrived, I was greeted with a very ferocious chihuahua bearing teeth and trying to get out and attack me. This is a common reason that my clients call me out to help… They often have unruly dogs that dominate the door. Since this case included a bite, I considered it an emergency case and headed right over. When I got there it looked like a case of what some would call “chihuahuas from hell”…

I have included the first part of the 2 part video series so make sure you follow the link at the end to watch part 2! Within one visit a dramatic change is observed in the respect these two dogs show their owners at the door. The owners learn how to communicate using their body language and energy so the dogs understand hat they want. Thanks to the pack mentality, the changes in behavior of the older more dominant dog will positively influence the young pup Yoshi. Their new understanding of dog psychology will serve them well in building a strong pack that is balanced and happy.

If you have having extreme dog behavior problems, then you need to give me a call. I do not teach “sit, stay and roll over” because I am not a dog trainer. Training will NOT help the most severe problems. I am a dedicated dog behaviorist who has been helping with the worst behavior problems all over the south east for nearly a decade. Aggression, biting, fear, nervousness, anxiety, destructive behaviors, barking and many other serious problems CAN be rehabilitated providing YOU have the time, patience and are willing to LEARN.

So it doesn’t matter if you are from Greenville, Spartanburg, Columbia or Myrtle Beach… I travel all over the southeast helping folks with dog problems. North Carolina, South Carolina Georgia and beyond… Give me a call now if you need help fast. I can help!

Now here is Luigi and Yoshi…

Dog Bite News: Edwin McCains Son Bitten By Rottweiler: Greenville Dog Whisperers thoughts

I wanted to take a moment to comment on dog bites in the news. Since singer Edwin McCains son was recently bitten in the face by a Rottweiler at a local YMCA sporting event, what better time to address this.

First off, I want to take a moment to offer my most sincere, heart felt “get well soon” to Watt McCain. From my family here at Camp Dog Trouble to the McCain family, we wish you all a fast recovery and will keep you in our prayers.

I would also like to offer the McCain family an open invitation, especially Watt, to come meet a small pack of well behaved dogs… including a calm submissive Rottweiler who was raised around children. It is important for a dog bite victim to move past one badly behaved dog. It is also important for children to learn HOW to behave around dogs as well, so I would be honored to teach the McCain family how to understand more about dog psychology and how to be around strange dogs. My offer is open… Edwin feel free to call me personally at 864-248-6472.

I got a frantic voicemail one day from a man who said his 80 pound dog has bitten his small child in the face. So I explained that I consider this a “red zone” case with emergency priority. Days later at his home, I observe some things that are slightly out of balance, nothing hugely wrong. After pointing out the real issues in pack leadership and teaching them about setting boundaries and handling the excitable behavior, we finished the consultation.

A few weeks later at our follow up appointment, the family is in from out of town visiting… yet the excitable big dog is just calmly hanging back. I like what I see! The young child is at the dinner table and I notice a tape box on the floor around the childs high chair. During feeding the dog approaches the child and the child points and says “shhhhht”… the dog bows in respect and turns away as he should. I am so impressed!

The child who was attacked once was now one of the youngest dog whisperers on the planet! At two years old (I think) I saw a young pack leader who will forever have the knowledge of how to be around a dog. Think about that small child earning the respect of that 80 pound dog to that degree.

This brings us to responsibility. Plain and simple… Your dogs behavior is YOUR responsibility. There are always signs of this type of dangerous behavior before these tragic events happen. If people would swallow their pride and get the proper help from a proven dog behaviorist early on… these things would not happen.

A trained dog is not the same as a well behaved dog. Without your dogs trust and respect as his or her pack leader, all the training in the world will not prevent this type of attack. In fact if you call most dog trainers and say “my dog bit a kids face”… they will tell you to put the dog down. My clients story above proves them wrong.

Let me say that again… There is never a need for this type of thing to happen. It is the owners fault that they were not in the moment enough to see the early warning signs and correct them at the very second the focus was to high. You can ALWAYS see it… IF you are paying attention. What’s more… YOU are often the cause of the attack. You have to be your dogs pack leader 110% of the time and set the rules and boundaries. You also have to be IN THE MOMENT and paying attention to your pack at all times as a good pack leader should.  That applies to all dogs big or small!

I am open to accept this Rottweiler as a client for rehabilitation should the owner, Kennith Shaw the want help. If the judge allow this dog to live it desperately needs rehabilitation by someone who has had success helping many “dangerous dogs” recover. They are free to contact me… as are any readers who may be having behavior issues and seeing the early warning signs. I am absolutely 100% certain that I can rehabilitate this dog, there is no reason to euthanize this animal!

When you see your dog is staring too intently at something… or with too much focus you must correct him. When you see your dog is getting too excitable or going into inappropriate “prey drive” around young children running around… you have to correct the behavior. At the highest level the eyes will change and almost “bug out” in a very unnerving way.

The news, along with the McCains and their lawyer are focusing on banning dogs at childrens events. I can think of no more cruel thing than to change a policy and prevent a child from his beloved canine friend being a part of his life.

We need to focus on raising awareness that dog owners need to learn more about their dogs psychology and pack leadership needs. Dogs need three primary things in this order.

1) Plenty of exercise

2) Discipline (meaning rules and boundaries)

3) Affection comes last

Today in America the “dog lovers” love and pamper their dogs as if they were humans first. They are not humans… Dog must have a pack leader and rules to follow all of the time.

It is my hope that Edwin would consider helping me raise awareness about the pack leadership and exercise needs of our dogs. That is the only TRUE way to help prevent more of these types of needless injuries. Had this dog had a brisk “leadership walk” for a half hour or so before this game,  this event likely would not have occurred. Tired dogs are not as excitable and get in less trouble, but they still need rules and the owners attention at all times.

No laws banning any breed will ever help this problem. No policies banning dogs from their families sporting events will help. Only taking responsibility, leading our dogs and meeting their needs will reduce the numbers of children who are injured by dogs. If the dog bite doesn’t occur at a sporting event it will be elsewhere.. a park… downtown… at the family picnic… You get the idea.

Laws or policy changes will only shift where the injuries occur, they will never deal with the real problem. Educating “dog lovers” so that they can be EDUCATED dog lovers who fulfill their dogs primal needs is where the awareness needs to be focused.

~Jason Miller

Aggressive Greenville, SC dog cured! Dog behaviorist Jason can help bad dogs recover! forget bark busters barkbusters

I am so pleased to have the opportunity to help so many people with their dog behavior problems here in South Carolina and beyond. It doesn’t matter if you are in Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Clemson or Anderson…. I have clients all over SC & NC.

A red zone aggression case came my way recently that brought reason for great concern. This cute little dog had been getting aggressive with strangers and kids and had chased and pinned a lawyer neighbor against a wall! Imagine how ugly that could have gotten!

Before things got any worse, I rushed over to help get things back in balance…


Watch this video to see how well behaved Chloe the dog is now a month after ONE single consultation with me. I am always happy to see clients follow through with the program and love seeing their amazing results.

If you or someone you know is having serious dog behavior problems….

Have them visit me here at DogTrouble.Net or call me at 864.248.6472 ~Jason

There IS hope!