The Dog Trainer said to put my dog to sleep for aggression
I often get calls from people here in Greenville, SC and all over the southeast who tell me the same thing after they have told me their story…
They say “The Dog Trainer said to put my dog to sleep for aggression”…
I have been actively seeking the most serious and bizarre dog behavior problems for rehabilitation for nearly the past 10 years as a profession. In that time, I have heard countless stories from my grateful clients that have seen great results with my methods. They had thought everything was hopeless due to one misinformed dog trainer who was afraid of seriously threatening behavior.
If the dog training “expert” that you hire has suggested that your dog should be “put down” due behavior problems, it time to call in a bonafied dog behaviorist like me, Jason Miller. Dog trainers are taught about training familiar behavior through repetition. Often using some sort of modified Pavlovian conditioning… usually the tool of choice for most trainers are clickers and treats.
The reality is, these methods only create limited behaviors linked to words that humans can understand. Examples are “sit, stay, down, come heel” and these commands are simply ways for us humans to get the dog to do what we want. Training though, does NOT focus on the dogs natural needs or instincts.
Imagine a dog trainer arriving with a bag of treats and clicker only to be met by and aggressive, challenging English Mastiff weighing in at nearly 200lbs! Now image that this big dog could care less about your little clicking noise and treats because YOU are now his lunch! Many seriously troubled dogs are NOT food motivated so trying to trade food for wanted behaviors is a loosing battle in many cases.
Now image that you could communicate in the dogs natural methods. This is what a Dog Behaviorist does… but not all dog behaviorists are the same! The most effective behaviorists are the ones who eat, sleep and breathe pack mentality similar to famed behaviorist Cesar Millan. Many people call us “Dog Whisperers” because we can arrive at your home and within mere minutes have evaluated the situation and be influencing totally different behaviors in your dog.
NEXT and most important is that a qualified Behaviorist has the ability to TEACH YOU how to communicate with your dogs in a natural way that harnesses your body language and energy. This is why I come to my clients homes to help correct these problems. I can see what the dog is trying to communicate and help the owners understand and communicate BACK. By teaching through example, my clients learn the basics of dog psychology and pack mentality.
I often arrive to aggressive greetings that send trainers running for the hills. There is one very well known local trainer right here in Greenville, SC that has told nearly a dozen people that they should put their dog down for aggression. Thankfully a lot of his clients find me after that… but I do have to wonder how many take the poor advice!
Dog are NOT throw away! The practice of euthanasia to deal with our own human ignorance of dog behavior is a practice that should not be allowed in 2011 heading into 2012. Yet everyday there is a dog trainer telling unknowing clients that they should kill their dog! Veterinarians are guilty of the same suggestion as are some groomers and other dog “professionals.”
My advice to dog trainers and vets who do not understand canine fear, aggression and other behaviors is this. Please find a local dog whisperer who has the real life experience to help your clients when “training” doesn’t work. Rather then suggest a horrid end to an already troubled home, have them call me or some other behaviorist who specializes in pack mentality.
This is a very dangerous occupation so there are not very many people willing to intervene when things go bad. In fact there are very few of us servicing the United States that my travels have me helping families in much of the southeast including Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Since there are so few of us, I also travel anywhere in the United States where my clients need me.
Euthanasia for the sake of not wanting to deal with our dogs behavior problems is NOT an answer. If you think it is then I encourage you to read THIS blog post entitled: Animal Shelter Realities… Adopt don’t shop
If you are in need of help for your serious dog behavior problems then give me call. I am Jason Miller and you can reach me at 864-248-6472